* Module for the creation and handling of the DOM representation for
* {@link module:formElement~FormElement} objects.
* It relies on [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) for styling and
* positioning.
* @module layouts
import JsonSchemaType from './json-schema/JsonSchemaType.js';
import pointerToId from '../utils/pointerToId.js';
/** Class that structures the DOM layout of the form element. */
class Layout {
* Class constructor.
* @param {module:formElement~FormElement} fe The form element which the DOM
* structure and styling will be created for.
constructor(fe) {
* A header bar inlcuding form element annotations and metadata.
* @type {HTMLDivElement}
this.headerBar = createHeaderBar(fe);
* The pane containing the content of the form element.
* @type {HTMLDivElement}
this.contentPane = createContentPane(fe);
* The main pane that includes the header bar and the content pane.
* @type {HTMLDivElement}
this.mainPane = [this.headerBar, this.contentPane].reduce((acc, e) => {
return acc;
}, document.createElement('div'));
* The root DOM element.
* @type {HTMLDivElement}
this.root = document.createElement('div');
this.root.id = pointerToId(fe.pointer);
this.root.classList.add('row', 'pt-4');
* Updates the content pane with the new content included in the form element
* object.
* @param {module:formElement~FormElement} fe The form element to be updated.
updateContentPane(fe) {
const newContentPane = createContentPane(fe);
this.contentPane = newContentPane;
* Creates the header bar to represent a form element.
* @param {module:formElement~FormElement} fe The form element which the header
* bar will be created for.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The header bar.
function createHeaderBar(fe) {
const icon = fe.titleIcon.domElement;
const title = fe.title ? fe.title.domElement : null;
const selectors = fe.selectors ? fe.selectors.domElement : null;
const bar = [icon, title, selectors].reduce((acc, e) => {
if (e) acc.appendChild(e);
return acc;
}, document.createElement('div'));
const headerBar = document.createElement('div');
bar.classList.add('col', 'd-flex', 'align-items-center');
if (selectors) selectors.classList.add('pl-2', 'ml-auto');
return headerBar;
* Creates the content pane to represent a form element according to its
* associated JSON Schema.
* @param {module:formElement~FormElement} fe The form element which the content
* pane will be created for.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The content pane.
function createContentPane(fe) {
if (fe.keywords.const || (fe.keywords.enum && fe.keywords.enum.length === 1))
return createConstLayout(fe);
else if (fe.keywords.enum && fe.keywords.enum.length > 1)
return createEnumLayout(fe);
else if (fe.keywords.type === JsonSchemaType.ARRAY)
return createArrayLayout(fe);
else if (fe.keywords.type === JsonSchemaType.OBJECT)
return createObjectLayout(fe);
else return createPrimitiveTypeLayout(fe);
* Creates the content pane to represent a form element with a `const` JSON
* Schema.
* @param {module:formElement~FormElement} fe The form element which the content
* pane will be created for.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The content pane conceived for a form element with
* a `const` JSON Schema.
function createConstLayout(fe) {
return createPrimitiveTypeLayout(fe);
* Creates the content pane to represent a form element with an `enum` JSON
* Schema.
* @param {module:formElement~FormElement} fe The form element which the content
* pane will be created for.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The content pane conceived for a form element with
* an `enum` JSON Schema.
function createEnumLayout(fe) {
const contentPane = fe.content.domElement;
contentPane.classList.add('primitive', 'row', 'pt-2');
return contentPane;
* Creates the content pane to represent a form element with an `array`-typed
* JSON Schema.
* @param {module:formElement~FormElement} fe The form element which the content
* pane will be created for.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The content pane conceived for a form element with
* an `array`-typed JSON Schema.
function createArrayLayout(fe) {
const contentPane = fe.content.domElement;
contentPane.classList.add('row', 'row-cols-1');
return contentPane;
* Creates the content pane to represent a form element with an `object`-typed
* JSON Schema.
* @param {module:formElement~FormElement} fe The form element which the content
* pane will be created for.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The content pane conceived for a form element with
* an `object`-typed JSON Schema.
function createObjectLayout(fe) {
const contentPane = fe.content.domElement;
contentPane.classList.add('row', 'row-cols-1');
return contentPane;
* Creates the content pane to represent a form element with any primitive JSON
* Schema type (`boolean`, `integer`, `number` and `string`).
* @param {module:formElement~FormElement} fe The form element which the content
* pane will be created for.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The content pane conceived for a form element with
* an primitive-typed JSON Schema.
function createPrimitiveTypeLayout(fe) {
const contentPane = fe.content.domElement;
contentPane.classList.add('primitive', 'pt-2');
return contentPane;
* Creates an arranged HTML container (by including styling and structure) for
* the part of a form element representing a `properties` JSON Schema child
* applicator.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} childrenDiv The `<div>` element containing the
* children form elements representation.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The arranged HTML container.
function arrangeProperties(childrenDiv) {
childrenDiv.classList.add('col-sm-11', 'offset-sm-1', 'pl-sm-3', 'pl-4');
return childrenDiv;
* Creates an arranged HTML container (by including styling and structure) for
* the part of a form element representing an `additionalProperties` JSON Schema
* child applicator.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} titleIconDiv The `<div>` element containing the child
* applicator's title icon representation.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} titleDiv The `<div>` element containing the child
* applicator's title representation.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} childrenDiv The `<div>` element containing the
* children form elements representation.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} addButtonDiv The `<div>` element containing the child
* applicator's add button representation.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The arranged HTML container.
function arrangeAdditionalProperties(
) {
return arrangeAdditionalChildren(
* Creates an arranged HTML container (by including styling and structure) for
* the part of a form element representing an `items` JSON Schema child
* applicator.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} childrenDiv The `<div>` element containing the
* children form elements representation.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} addButtonDiv The `<div>` element containing the child
* applicator's add button representation.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The arranged HTML container.
function arrangeItems(childrenDiv, addButtonDiv) {
const domElement = [childrenDiv, addButtonDiv].reduce((acc, e) => {
return acc;
}, document.createElement('div'));
childrenDiv.classList.add('col-sm-11', 'offset-sm-1', 'pl-sm-3', 'pl-4');
return domElement;
* Creates an arranged HTML container (by including styling and structure) for
* the part of a form element representing an `additionalItems` JSON Schema
* child applicator.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} titleIconDiv The `<div>` element containing the child
* applicator's title icon representation.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} titleDiv The `<div>` element containing the child
* applicator's title representation.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} childrenDiv The `<div>` element containing the
* children form elements representation.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} addButtonDiv The `<div>` element containing the
* child applicator's add button representation.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The arranged HTML container.
function arrangeAdditionalItems(
) {
return arrangeAdditionalChildren(
* Creates an arranged HTML container (by including styling and structure) for
* the part of a form element representing a JSON Schema child applicator that
* allows for additional elements.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} titleIconDiv The `<div>` element containing the child
* applicator's title icon representation.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} titleDiv The `<div>` element containing the child
* applicator's title representation.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} childrenDiv The `<div>` element containing the
* children form elements representation.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} addButtonDiv The `<div>` element containing the child
* applicator's add button representation.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} The arranged HTML container.
function arrangeAdditionalChildren(
) {
const bar = [titleIconDiv, titleDiv].reduce((acc, e) => {
return acc;
}, document.createElement('div'));
const colBar = document.createElement('div');
const headerBar = document.createElement('div');
const mainPane = [childrenDiv, addButtonDiv].reduce((acc, e) => {
if (e) acc.appendChild(e);
return acc;
}, document.createElement('div'));
const domElement = [headerBar, mainPane].reduce((acc, e) => {
return acc;
}, document.createElement('div'));
headerBar.classList.add('row', 'pt-3');
colBar.classList.add('col', 'pl-sm-5');
bar.classList.add('d-flex', 'align-items-center');
mainPane.classList.add('row', 'row-cols-1');
childrenDiv.classList.add('col-sm-11', 'offset-sm-1', 'pl-sm-3', 'pl-4');
return domElement;
export default Layout;
export {