* Module that analyzes and resolves [JSON Schema in-place applicators](https://json-schema.org/draft/2019-09/json-schema-core.html#in-place).
* In this approach, the in-place applicators present in a JSON Schema are
* modeled as a directed tree (where nodes represented by {@link
* module:inPlaceApplicators~IPASchema} objects). Each node stores the keywords
* belonging to its corresponding subschema: hence, any possible materialization
* of a JSON Schema can be reconstructed by aggregating the keywords of each
* node traversed by any directed path from the root node to the leaf.
* The user is intended to select the desired path: {@link module:selectors}
* provides a user interface for this purpose.
* @module inPlaceApplicators
import JsonSchemaKeywords from './JsonSchemaKeywords.js';
* Processes a JSON Schema, generating an in-place application tree that
* represents its possible materializations.
* @param {object} schema The JSON Schema to process.
* @param {string} [pointer=''] A JSON Pointer that provides unique
* identification to each in-place applicator in the JSON Schema.
* @param {number} [selected=0] The index indicating the applicator subschema to
* be selected at initialization.
* @returns {module:inPlaceApplicators~IPASchema} The root node to the in-place
* application tree that represents the given JSON Schema.
function process(schema, pointer = '', selected = 0) {
const { common, applicatorByPointer } = schema.allOf
? processAllOf(
: {
common: {
applicatorByPointer: new Map(),
if (schema.anyOf) {
delete common.anyOf;
const aop = `${pointer}/${JsonSchemaKeywords.BooleanLogicApplicator.ANY_OF}`;
new InPlaceApplicator(processAnyOf(schema.anyOf, aop), selected)
if (schema.oneOf) {
delete common.oneOf;
const oop = `${pointer}/${JsonSchemaKeywords.BooleanLogicApplicator.ONE_OF}`;
new InPlaceApplicator(processOneOf(schema.oneOf, oop), selected)
return new IPASchema(common, applicatorByPointer);
* @typedef {object} ProcessAllOfResult
* @property {object} common The keywords that are common to all the `allOf`
* subschemas.
* @property {Map.<string, module:inPlaceApplicators~InPlaceApplicator>} applicatorByPointer
* A map including the child in-place applicators contained by the processed
* `allOf` applicator.
* Processes an `allOf` in-place applicator.
* @param {object} schema The JSON Schema including an `allOf` property to
* process.
* @param {string} [pointer=''] A JSON Pointer that identifies the JSON Schema.
* @returns {module:inPlaceApplicators~ProcessAllOfResult} The result of
* processing the `allOf` in-place applicator.
function processAllOf(schema, pointer) {
const ipaSchemas = schema.allOf.map((s, i) => process(s, `${pointer}/${i}`));
return {
common: aggregate(schema, ...ipaSchemas),
applicatorByPointer: new Map(
ipaSchemas.flatMap((ipaSchema) => [...ipaSchema.applicatorByPointer])
* Processes an `anyOf` in-place applicator.
* @param {Array.<object>} subschemas The subschemas included in the `anyOf`
* in-place applicator.
* @param {string} [pointer=''] A JSON Pointer that identifies the JSON Schema.
* @returns {Array.<module:inPlaceApplicators~IPASchema>} An array of nodes
* representing each subschema contained by the `anyOf` applicator.
function processAnyOf(subschemas, pointer) {
return processDisjunctiveInPlaceApplicator(subschemas, pointer);
* Processes an `oneOf` in-place applicator.
* @param {Array.<object>} subschemas The subschemas included in the `oneOf`
* in-place applicator.
* @param {string} [pointer=''] A JSON Pointer that identifies the JSON Schema.
* @returns {Array.<module:inPlaceApplicators~IPASchema>} An array of nodes
* representing each subschema contained by the `oneOf` applicator.
function processOneOf(subschemas, pointer) {
return processDisjunctiveInPlaceApplicator(subschemas, pointer);
* Processes a disjunctive in-place applicator.
* @param {Array.<object>} subschemas The subschemas included in the disjunctive
* in-place applicator.
* @param {string} [pointer=''] A JSON Pointer that identifies the JSON Schema.
* @returns {Array.<module:inPlaceApplicators~IPASchema>} An array of nodes
* representing each subschema contained by the applicator.
function processDisjunctiveInPlaceApplicator(subschemas, pointer) {
return subschemas.map((s, i) => process(s, `${pointer}/${i}`));
/** Class representing a JSON Schema in-place applicator. */
class InPlaceApplicator {
* Class constructor.
* @param {Array.<module:inPlaceApplicators~IPASchema>} subschemas The array
* of nodes representing the subschemas contained by the applicator.
* @param {number} selected The index indicating the subschema to be selected
* at initialization.
constructor(subschemas, selected) {
* The array of nodes representing the subschemas contained by the
* applicator.
* @type {Array.<module:inPlaceApplicators~IPASchema>}
this.subschemas = subschemas;
* The index indicating the selected subschema.
* @type {number}
this.selected = selected;
* Retrieves the node representing the in-place applicator subschema that is
* currently selected.
* @returns {module:inPlaceApplicators~IPASchema} The selected node
* representing an in-place applicator subschema.
getSelectedIpaSchema() {
return this.subschemas[this.selected];
* The node for a tree representation of the possible JSON Schema
* materializations regarding its in-place applicators (standing for "In-Place
* Application Schema").
class IPASchema {
* Class constructor.
* @param {object} common The keywords that are common to all possible
* materializations of the in-place application subtree.
* @param {Map.<string, module:inPlaceApplicators~InPlaceApplicator>} applicatorByPointer
* A map including the child in-place applicators to be contained by the
* node.
constructor(common, applicatorByPointer) {
* The keywords that are common to all possible materializations of the
* in-place application subtree.
* @type {object}
this.common = common;
* A map including the child in-place applicators contained by the node.
* @type {Map.<string, module:inPlaceApplicators~InPlaceApplicator>}
this.applicatorByPointer = applicatorByPointer;
* Returns the nodes representing the selected in-place applicator subschemas.
* @returns {Array.<module:inPlaceApplicators~IPASchema>?} The array of
* selected in-place applicator subnodes, or `null` if the node has no child
* in-place applicators.
getSelectedApplicators() {
if (this.applicatorByPointer.size)
return Array.from(this.applicatorByPointer).map(([, a]) =>
else return null;
* Retrieves the materialization of the JSON Schema that is currently
* selected.
* @returns {object} The selected materialization of the JSON Schema
* represented by the node.
getSelectedSchema() {
const recursion = (ipaSchema) => {
if (ipaSchema.applicatorByPointer.size == 0) return ipaSchema;
return new IPASchema(
...Array.from(ipaSchema.applicatorByPointer).map(([, a]) =>
return recursion(this).common;
* Retrieves the [annotation-related keywords](https://json-schema.org/draft/2019-09/json-schema-validation.html#rfc.section.9)
* from the in-place application node.
* @returns {object} The JSON Schema subset representing the annotations at
* the top level.
getAnnotations() {
const annotations = {};
if (this.common.title) annotations.title = this.common.title;
if (this.common.description)
annotations.description = this.common.description;
return annotations;
* Aggregates the keywords of a JSON Schema with the common keywords from a list
* of in-place application nodes.
* Collisions are resolved applying the logic implemented by the
* {@link module:inPlaceApplicators~Aggregation} class.
* @param {object} schema The JSON Schema to aggregate.
* @param {...module:inPlaceApplicators~IPASchema} ipaSchemas The in-place
* application nodes whose common keywords are to be aggregated.
* @returns {object} The aggregated JSON Schema.
function aggregate(schema, ...ipaSchemas) {
const common = {
delete common.allOf;
for (const ipaSchema of ipaSchemas) {
const filteredKeywords = Object.entries(ipaSchema.common).filter(
([keyword]) =>
for (const [keyword, value] of filteredKeywords) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(common, keyword))
if (common[keyword] instanceof Aggregation) common[keyword].add(value);
else common[keyword] = new Aggregation(keyword, common[keyword], value);
else common[keyword] = value;
for (const [keyword, value] of Object.entries(common))
if (value instanceof Aggregation) common[keyword] = value.resolve();
return common;
/** Class that handles keyword collision during aggregation process. */
class Aggregation {
* Class constructor.
* @param {string} keyword The aggregated JSON Schema keyword.
* @param {...any} init The initial values to aggregate.
constructor(keyword, ...init) {
this.keyword = keyword;
this.values = init.map((i) => (i instanceof Aggregation ? i.values : i));
* Adds a value to the aggregation, or joins the content of another
* `Aggregation` object.
* @param {any} e The value/aggregation to be added/joined.
add(e) {
if (e instanceof Aggregation) this.values.concat(e.values);
else this.values.push(e);
* Generates an aggregated value following the specific rules associated to
* the keyword.
* @returns {any} The value resulted of applying the aggregation rules to the
* different contained values.
* @todo Implement specific logic for every keyword.
resolve() {
const resolveSwitch = {
[JsonSchemaKeywords.ObjectApplicator.PROPERTIES]: () =>
Object.assign({}, ...this.values),
[JsonSchemaKeywords.ObjectValidation.REQUIRED]: () => this.values.flat(),
default: () =>
console.warn(`Keyword aggregation not defined for the\
"${this.keyword}" keyword.`),
return (resolveSwitch[this.keyword] || resolveSwitch.default)();
export default process;
export { InPlaceApplicator, IPASchema };